i n d e x d r a w i n g s c u l p t u r e i n s t a l a t i o l n c v c o n t a c t l i n k s
e l i z a b e t h p o r t e r
shining like shook foil
a performance in which in exchange for the story of how they was made
participants' scars are gilded

The most malleable and ductile of all metals, yet is denser than lead, has a higher melting point than bronze or brass.
Used in temples, synagogues, mosques and churches to reflect light, to make precious.
It is unaffected by air, moisture and most corrosive agents, making it tasteless and odorless like water.
While everything around it corrodes away, it endures, unchanging.
When we two meet, at that moment I’ll ask you about a memory.
A moment past that has left its mark on you.
A scar, a blemish; a place invisible, special, unremarkable, different; cherished or revilled.
I will overlay it with a second skin of gold for you to carry with you, briefly, lightly,
until it wears away; gold dust, fading into memory.

shining like shook foil
Royal College of Art, London 2012
Sculpture Court, Edinburg College of Art 2012
Testbed, Battersea, London 2012